I'll agree with Monte and others on the costs. If it costs one million dollars (just an example to make the math easy for me) to tool up a block casting, you have to amortize that cost over how many blocks you think you can sell. If the Chevy guys will buy 10,000 blocks, then that is $100 per block. If a Hemi/RB block sells only 1000 units, then that adds $1000 per block to the costs. If it takes ten years to sell the 1000 blocks, then they need to take that into account by figuring the present value of the sales, or keep raising the price of the block every year to compensate for the time value of money.

If I understand it right, Chrysler pulled the tooling out of World Products for the cast iron blocks. So, hopefully, that means the tooling still exists to be used and/or modified by another casting house. A small glimmer of hope anyway.

Floyd Lippencott IV