It looks to me like the fuel is going tangential off the long side of the port, around the cylinder and curling in towards the center of the chamber/cylinder. It might be that the fuel gets separated out on the short side radius and mostly air is entering on that side of the intake valve blocking the rich fuel flow coming around the exhaust valve side.

Is that the Edelbrock head or the Stealth head? It may need a "wing" as Darin noted they added on their Raptor BBC head. I'd call it a bump or maybe a fin on the floor at the SSR. I've seen those on several heads over the last 10-15 years. I think Jeff K. at MCH had something like that on his SS Hemi heads. I never quite caught on that it was to aid in keeping the fuel in suspension.

That's my wild @$$ guess on what's happening. I'll be interested in what the head porters and professional engine builders have to say.

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Floyd Lippencott IV