Nah, those big companies charge a percentage of the item for the freight / shipping. I remember ordering a brake pressure bleeder from Original Parts Group back in the day where the tool was over $180 or so and they wanted to charge me $38 for shipping. This was also the same company who was charging over $300 for a NOS tail light lens for a vehicle and when I inquired about what that would cost to ship, they said over $60. This, for a lens that is super light weight. After that, I quit buying from companies who charged by the percentage of the total purchase for what the shipping costs vs. the actual cost.

I guess it's like Dave said during our conversation, some folks just have to play their dishonest games and say they didn't receive their item. The company has no choice but to send another and incur all the extra costs. The dishonest few ultimately ruin it for the rest of us who end up paying for it in the end.