Rapid robert i really want to thank you. I think every tech question i have asked you have responded. You have been dead on with your advice. Really appreciate your knowledge!!!! Also i would like to know how do you know so much about mopars? Were you a chrysler tech or just years of experience?

I just decided to have him pound the dent out. There is to much of a time crunch. I have to get this done by friday. If i get anything less then a perfect replacement it won`t end well. To shallow of a pan and ill have to get a diffrrent oil pump. From what i have read some 933 pans have baffles and some don`t. Not sure what`s in mine. As long as i have a good seal i can live with it. Maybe a project for a future date.

Any 440 ebody guys feel free to let me know what pan you have that works. As always thanks!!