Not sure why anyone thinks a 4 link is a good choice for a handling street car. Not enough room under our vehicle for a properly designed on without floor mods.

You asked the experienced people, you were given links to a proven, WINNING build and yet you choose to ignore the answers to your own request.

When a rep of one the the BEST suppliers to handling MoPar makes suggestions you belittle him.

Seems you already have the answers you want, why did you come here?

You will not find an aftermarket replacement front suspension, ala AlterKation, Hemi Denny, QA1, that will out perform the stock based one in all areas. You might find one that is lighter, you might find one that is roomier, you might even find one than can handle on par with the stock based setup in the link you were provided. What you will not find is one that is stronger or better engineered.

Is the stock setup perfect? Nope, but the info is available to you to fix it's issues.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.