Originally Posted By larrymopar360
I know nothing beats carrying a spare and jack, but I also hate carrying that extra weight. Yeah, I know, it's not all that much but I still don't like it, along with the room it takes. So I carry a plug kit, pair of pliers to pull out a nail or whatever, a razor, and a bicycle tire pump. It takes a bit but I've pumped up car tires with bicycle pump.

I have a full size spare in garage and would throw it in trunk if taking a trip.

Best answer, and that's how I roll too. beer I don't even bother carrying a spare in anything for any distance. Dead weight.

Only been bit once in probably 2 million miles, and it sure wasn't the end of the world: On another vehicle driven by a Family member it had a low tire, I had AAA show up, air up the tire, and I went and fixed it myself.

I plug all my tires at home, easy work.

I shake my head when I see Ebay E-body space-savers bid to $2500.00. What are you going to do with that $2500 spare, drive on it? laugh2 I don't want to see that ugly thing everytime I open the trunk, taking up valuable beer space. I have like 3 of them useless things sitting in the same pile as my equally useless E-body frame tie-downs. realcrazy


Mo' Farts

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