Originally Posted By mprhound

I'm just going to say I'd pass on the Brewers. Call T&D or Jesel and talk to them BEFORE you buy. I have offered to flow a Brewer for FREE on a FLOW DATA bench and can't get any takers. I've only seen pictures but my guess is that B-1 MC's will kick the crap out of Brewers for HP.

I've been going to the races for years now and I have never seen a set of Brewers run. Probably because I'm on the left coast. But if they were all that you'd think someone out here would do it.

In fact, I called T&D about 18 months ago on this very topic. The guy I talked to said he hasn't sold any Brewer rockers since he has worked there (IIRC almost 20 years).


That's why I just picked one up to check it out, pressure test and to flow it, these have a set of t&d 1.7 rockers with them so we will see but defiantly being careful, I am curious about them myself. If I get ahold of these may send one to you to flow and put it out there what they do. [/quote]

I'd love to do it and I'd post the results and what I think.

The other issue is while they are out there, if you beat one up, it's difficult to find a replacement. Same thing goes for valve gear. I know T&D had some on the shelf (not sure on the ratio) but you'd pay big time for them to make one set of something.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston