I don't know if this would work for a high power engine, or if it would mess with cutting equipment when getting the block machined, but there is a new company selling a product certech gel. It's a ceramic gel that you add to engine oil. The technology has been around for awhile. It fills in and resurfaces metal where there is metal on metal friction. That's what they claim anyways. I have a stock 318 that has bad blowby. Chugs smoke out of valve cover. I'm not investing money in a rebuild, it's nothing special so I thought I'd give this stuff a try. I called the owner and since the company is new he gave me 20% off and will refund another $50 if I video the before and after.

I have no expectations of it actually working but we'll see. I'll post results. They also guarantee damage cost of any were to occur due to product. Haven't seen any complaints yet though.