Yes, Dave, the reason I asked the question was because I think there's a good possibility that you're being sold something that won't have any effect except to lower your bank balance.

Whether the shop is ignorant or dishonest I don't know, but IMHO it has to be one of the two. Hate to sound harsh, but I do pumps for a living and my BS meter is off the charts.

Any time I hear about a $180 oil pump that resides in the oil pan like a stocker I have to wonder why. The Mopar design gearotor pump is a good one.

The other thing that sticks in my mind is that you are not going to get much difference in efficiency between any well-designed positive displacement pump. They have about the same efficiency across the board, and the gerotor pump is more efficient than the two gear type pump. Your existing pump is the gerotor type.

Good Luck,