
With the 2316's being $400 a set now, it would be better to get a set of Diamonds if they are still around $550 and not have to do all the extra machining. And the need for custom push rods, (thought its probably better to use them anyway).

I did see a set of 40-over 2316's on ebay for $325 right now.

I'm curious on the heads. What are the typical legal tricks that could cost you so much? I'd think the only things that would be legal would be a disired CC, backcutting the valves, maybe a radius edge and a 5 angle valve job. Seems anything beyond that would be questionable on "pure stock". But I'm not expert engine builder so i'd think there could be some more little tricks.

thats not a bad price for those pistons , if it's a buy it now then maybe you should pull the trigger , otherwise weigh the cost of all the machining required and the 2315's vs the cost of diamonds TWEAKED to exactly what you need .

As far as the heads go it's the quality of the work that you are paying for . You could just run a set down to the local parts store and get a VJ done for $275 bucks that would pass tech , but having the VJ done by someone that knows exactly how to make them flow with what is legal costs alittle more . I think PS legal is only a 3 angle VJ and that's all depends on who you are . I know of one A12 racer that upset the cart by going TOO FAST and was told his once legal 3 angle VJ no longer was legal and he had to go back to a more out the door of the factory VJ.

But then there is knowing WHICH head to use , there is a CERTIAN 906 that flows BETTER as cast than the rest ... I have a set of those that are waiting to go under the knife so to speak ...

Dwayne made 500hp with his 3 angle VJ and no porting 906's and they weren't the GOOD castings .

oh , one more thing if your engine wasn't balanced or decked at least to be SQUARE NOW is the time to deck the block , get your new pistons ( decide on diamonds or speedpros before the actual decking), then have it balanced .

Last edited by Johnahah; 01/08/09 09:33 PM.