""I don't remember if I even set those when I installed the carb several years ago.""

For a tuning reference, tighten each of the metering screws clockwise until they "lightly" bottom out. Count how many turns it took for each one to seat and let us know what this was. Then take a permanent marker (any color will due) and mark each metering screw at the 12:00 position. Then turn each metering screw outward 2 turns (your mark will be at 12:00 again) if this is a carb that has 2 metering screws. If it has 4 metering screws, turn them out about 3/4 turns each.

This will be a good starting point and your previous metering screw position will be a good reference to help figure this out.

1970 YO7 A66 [Canadian Export] F8 Challenger
340 (Currently in shop for stroker assy.)