How does it pick up the RPM signal. Why do you need the dual sensors? And do you plan to use the other sensor inputs? Can you manipulate (smooth) the data after it is logged? Can the data be downloaded to a laptop or tower to store and review or is the small phone screen big enough for you to get the most out of the graphs?

As long as it can log with RPM and smooth the raw data to something more useable, it does what the Innovate stuff does except for the phone part. I suggest that you talk to some experienced tuners that have tried this new one to make sure that the unit gives the info in a useable manner. All the units out there can take a WBO2 sensor and give data. But some give it in a more meaningful way than others can.

As far as usability, Innovate has the most useable format. But it doesn't use the phone. If that is an important factor here.

Master, again and still