They didn't announce the tracks all at once, because they DON'T have all the tracks yet. It's really that simple. They decide where they want Drag Week and THEN they attempt to line up tracks to make the logistics work. Many tracks are either booked, too expensive, or are not interested.............Along that vein, I would be shocked if Norwalk was on the list. How would it POSSIBLY benefit that track to host a day on Drag Week. you going to line up tracks a year in advance, before you even know what area of the country next years event will be in? If you DO show up, I will direct you over to Jenny and Michelle and YOU can be the one tell them they need to "get on top of this"...........I will have the paramedics on standby for you.........LOL!!!

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 04/09/15 02:24 AM.