Paying it forward,"racers helping racers"doesn't need to be recognized in a post, it just needs the appreciation and respect of everyone involved.This way of life was the foundation of most all of the civilized world.It is a tradition that many have forgotten and one that everyone needs to bring back.It has been most alive and noticable in our sport.To see it in practice,just attend an event and watch when someone needs help or a part.It's not a philosophy but a way of life.Those who practice it do it for the right reasons not for notority or attention.We are a firm believer in Karma"what goes around comes around".The good things you do in life will reward you tenfold.My late son Curt's legesy is a testimonial and guideline as to how it works.We at BGR are commited to conduct ourselves and carry on this legesy he instilled in us.Anyone who does it will be a better person and find not only personal satisfaction but will have a more rewarding life.