
Swapman and I being auto workers, if we drank and smoked as much as everyone says Auto workers do we would of never made it to the 30 year mark. Sure in every work place there are the abusers but you can not put us all in that picture. Now we don't mind having a brown pop when we go to Carlisle or the Mopar Nationals were just like very one else.

Hemicar.... speak for yourself. I drank and smoked more than everyone says we did.

But it was on MY time, not Chryslers time. Well there were a few Christmas partys..............

But truth be told, there were five thousand of us. 99% towed the Company line.

Just like every place else in 60's and 70's in America, some marched to a different drummer.

Chrysler, FORD and GM workers built the best cars that Chrysler, FORD and GM big shots would allow us to build. When we are given crap parts and always expected to make them fit perfect in 50 seconds or less....well sometimes, CRAP happens.....