BP I did Sanborns' cooling mods drilled more/larger holes in block/heads/gaskets and I had to have machined 3/16 alum spacers so the intake would line up with the bolt holes in those chinese fake EQ heads that that crook Ben Gorman of "Promax" in indianapolis sold me. something told me to be proactive & pump it up & I think some of the holes I redrilled/added were a bit too close to the bolt holes and or fire ring not sure on that, nothing obviously fubared but some I cut it a bit too close. My birthday is tomorrow (64) & some birthday money came in the mail today so I am going to rent a hooker (yes I will watch for adams apples/police stings, thanks guys for the heads up on that for last b day, you guys have my back ) and order some new head/intake gaskets & start over & be a bit more meticulous (I'm OCD as it is but I have to take it to a new level on this rare leaker that has baffled me. 70cuda aggreed it should not be leaking down more than a fraction of a lb to my way of thinking. Thanks guys

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth