Update: I got the block checked today, all cylinders looked good on minor and major thrust sides. The non thrust sides were a different story, four cylinders under .100", #1 .091", #2 .090" #3 .087" and #5 .092". It's at 4.08 now and needs to go 4.10". Paper weight?

Are machine shops that offer sonic checking the minority? I just bought a R1 block that's 4.08", one of the cylinders has a spot in it. The deal is that it will take a 4.1" bore or I get a refund. My problem is that I can't find a local machine shop that can sonic check the block. Most likely I'll have to buy the instrument or go to Nashville TN to have my block checked out.

I know I'm not in the race hub of the US but none of the machine shops offer this service. The instrument is around $1200, it seems to me it would pay for it's self.

Anyone else run into this?