
I'm new here and having a few problems with my 71 Challenger. I have spent the last 3 years completing a restoration that was started by the previous owner.
I am almost done and just finishing off making a custom dash board will new gauges. Most of the time I've owned the car its always started and run, sometimes taking a while to start due to it standing but always started eventually.
Recently though, all I am getting is a clicking noise like the starter solenoid is sticking? Try as I may, it just ckicks. I've tried the old technique of giving the starter a bash with a lump of wood but this isn't working.
I've also noticed the ballast resistor is get very very hot, not sure if this is more than usual as I know they get hot but to the point where it smells like burning and smokes (this may be the WD40 I sprayed on it when cleaning and re-fitting)

Anyway, anyone got any ideas on the starting problems, I suspect starter and/or solenoid but wanted to check I wasn't missing anything before ordering a new one.

Battery is fine and kept on a maintenance charger, so always fully charged.
