
I would like to tell all of you guys that your crazy and I've have never had to many projects to finish, but I would be lying to you and I don't want to lie to anyone so I won't 6 cars in processing now and thinking of taking another two on Better than gambling,drinking, womenizing and drugs, correct I do like shooting also but that comes 5th The only things holding me back from succeedeing is time, money, ambition and coordiantion of these resources

Well Cab.. the wife and I both hunt a fair amount
and back when I was building the P-Body... I would
buy a race car part and she would buy a new gun..
we both fish so we are good that way.. she doesnt
care to go to the track that much anymore because
she has a BAD hip(this one will be replaced in the
spring after we get back home) and she already had
the other one replaced and this summer she had her
left shoulder replaced.. pretty soon all the corners
on her will be new... she lets me do what I want so
we are both happy she knows I want to do
drag week and I have gone 3 times but not with my
own ride