
I just want one that works properly, consistently and I can pull a SD card, plug in my laptop, or Bluetooth the information to a computer.

Is that asking to much?

Based on what I'm seeing, and I've narrowed my search primarily down to Innovate because it seems to be the best bang for buck, I think you're also looking at the LM-2. From what I see, you can use an SD card, but it also offers a USB cable for direct hookup to your laptop. It downloads to its own software package for you to view and work with the info., and files each session you record. I think this is what most people are looking for in the drag-strip world. The MXT-L is primarily just a guage. It says you can download info from the MXT-L system to a computer, but I think you need additional hardware to make that happen. I see they make a product called a "pocket-logger" that says it works with MXT-L (as well as other guage systems) to convert the info to a format that works with data-logging software on a computer. That item is around $100, which is slightly more than the difference between the LM-2 & the MXT-L.

It certainly is confusing! Pulling a plug and giving it the ol' sniff-test might not be so bad after all.

LemonWedge - Street heavy / Strip ready - 11.07 @ 120