Lots of good info here, but start from the basic stuff first. It may sound stupid but stupid stuff do happen .

Confirm you have fuel in the carb and its spraying.

If you only put #1 piston on TDC and then put the chain on(as you say you done) without aligning the marks, the cam could be anywhere. maybe you did align the marks but you never said . You have to confirm that your mechanical timing is correct before moving on to electrical timing.

If you confirm the cam/crank timing is ok, move on to the electrical timing by pulling #1 plug and bring to TDC on compression stroke , if dist is in correct , the rotor button should be pointing at #1 wire in the cap or there about. If not , you will have to mess with the dist till you get that fixed either by pulling the dist and moving the gear or changing the wires in the cap (not the right way).

If you can confirm that you have the dist fixed , then confirm that you have spark by grounding a plug on the engine and turn the engine over and see if the plug fires.

If the plug fires, you got compression, you got fuel , your cam/crank timing is correct , you electrical timing is right . the engine should start

please reply with your findings , it should take no longer than a 1/2 hr to check the above .