
Mike you didn't say or do anything wrong. it's clear the dude has a lot of knowledge. he just thinks his way is the only way. he's new and doesn't understand you just can't pop up here and start talking trash to long time members. maybe he will learn and help out. or he could just tuck his tail now and leave.

There is no reason for him to leave.. I have know idea
what he knows or doesnt... but just because someone
doesnt agree with him is no reason to come unglued...
yes he's new so MOST of us dont know his back ground
and looking at his personal history he states he is
a machinist.. he also has no knowledge of what I
am/was(which wasnt much)
I'll just let it drop and hope he comes back.. and
yes I'm sure I and others can learn from him... and
I HOPE maybe I can teach him a little bit also

Last edited by MR_P_BODY; 12/22/14 09:59 PM.