

Been using the Unilite's since 1981 and have never lost a light. Have one in my current car. Been in there since 2002.

The ONLY two ways to kill the photocell is to jump start the car with the dizzy plugged in, or to try and start a dead battery with a battery charger. You can buy a $40.00 filter as well.

They are virtually bullet proof, but evidently not idiot proof as many have killed their photocells doing exactly what Mallory has said not to do since the Unilite was intorduced.

I've heard way to many horror storys about the old Unilites dying going down the road in traffic on almost every brand of car that they where made for No lites out for me, especially in traffic

So you "heard" all these horror stories but have no experience in the topic, and you feel obliged to post?

Guess I just make this [Edited by Moparts - Family Friendly Site - Keep it clean] up in the land of nevermore with unicorns and all the young dudes wear nail polish.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston