It's time to remove that BB in the dragster and drop in a R5P7. Then we won't have to scramble looking to prime that pump all the time, lol.

I have over 400 runs on my r5p7 and it hasn't so much as loosened the lash by .001. It's truly a waste of energy to remove the valve cover and look......nothing changes.

Oh, and if you guys are curious, I buzz the sh@#$ out of my motor 9000+ every run. Just ask any announcer at any big dollar bracket race. That little 358 out runs most 582 chevies on the back half as well ( 143.5 @ 660' and 178.5 @ 1320)

Guys, the moral of the story is......quit whining about how nascar motors don't do this or can't do that.......PUT YOUR CARS ON A DIET and ET's will improve drastically.
