
I am trying to gather some info on how some of you feel about Q16 at Mopars at the Strip. I have contacted some via email and phone but thought this might be a better way. So here goes..

The first question at hand is this. What are your feelings about this class in general? Do you feel it is needed and will you be participating, or are you planning to in the future? Please try to be realistic with your answers.

Next pertaining to the power plants. What are your thoughts on the subject? How do you feel about NON Mopar powerplants running in Mopar bodied cars? Are you against the idea entirely or open to the idea? In otherwords door cars would have to be Mopar bodied but they could be powered by a brand X powerplant. ALL dragsters would be Mopar powered.

Next what about a Big Dog type class where S/Pro and Q16 were combined and put into one class with a race on Saturday and Sunday, for a good payout each day?

Just trying to help out and get some input from the guys I don't know personally. Please feel free to share your idea. Trying to help make this class better and continue to keep a venue to race at here.

I like to think that people that attend these events are a little more automotive savvy then those that attend NHRA events - at least they don't start drinking before noon . Door cars should be all Mopar. It is a Mopar event still, right? Dragsters should be running Mopar engines. Q 16 is ok. "Big Dog" run-off is a good idea also. Lets people see the really fast cars more. Personally, I would like to see a class for only "Chrysler" badged cars - ok, just kidding on the one.

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