Maybe these guys have something new that works? I am always open to a new "Mouse Trap". After all, we did through away the stone tables a while back for something Al Gore supposedly invented called the internet. And being a Curious George I found this as an excerpt from a ZDDP study.

"The results described show that ZDDP reaction films can produce high friction in intermediate speed conditions even when the films formed are quite smooth. Thus reaction film roughness is not the main origin of the friction-enhancing effect. Instead the effect appears to be due to reduced lubricant entrainment when a ZDDP reaction film is present on one of the rubbing surfaces.

ZDDP reaction films formed in rubbing contacts are known to produce enhanced friction in mixed lubrication conditions. In previous work this has been ascribed to a roughening of the surfaces due to the reaction film. However the current work shows that this is not the case; instead the ZDDP reaction film appears to inhibit lubricant entrainment into the contact, thereby leading to a reduced EHD film thickness compared to ZDDP-free lubricants."

So my thought is if these guys have found a way to supply protection with out adding friction, just maybe it is worth a look. We are all looking for help here. I am not looking for any kind of an argument here, we just need to keep an open mind. Their web site is very interesting and brings up some good points to consider.