
Obviously you have the same reading comprehension issue.

Since my keyboard doesn't type in crayon, perhaps you should go back and re-read (SLOWLY) my original post.

Point out where I bemoaned Trick Flow not making blocks, as OU812 alluded to, or where I stated it should be Trick Flow that produces an upgrade to the ancient PSO, or Millennium HEMI.

If you, or anyone else cannot understand what you are reading, why comment and prove to the world your lack of comprehension??? No self esteem, perhaps??? Ignorant, perhaps??? An OU812 butt-hurt cheerleader, perhaps???


Ha ha ha....your reply seems to describe yourself more than anyone else could have!


Certainly not you, or that other simpleton.....

What's the problem......upset that you can't deny a single point in my original post, so you took it completely out of context in your idiotic response, or are your feelings hurt because I didn't pen a glowing welcome to yet ANOTHER run-o-the-mill cylinder head for a BBM that couldn't sniff a decent SBC, or SBF offering???

Dang, nice slide into childishness, dude. Did you accidentally put your maxipad on tape-side up or what???

I had someone explain it to me. And reeaal slow, ‘cuz I’m a simpleton.

They said there’s a new part out there, and even though 95% of us will embrace it, it’s not the type of part **you** want, and you’re grouchin’ about it -- even though it doesn’t affect you whatsoever and you had no skin in bringing it out.

They said it seems you’ve forgotten what it was like ~10 years ago when this affordable aftermarket stuff didn’t exist for us.

They also thought if somebody did release a block, it probably wouldn’t be configured exactly the way you want anyway and you’d grouch about that.