




Another head that drops right in the middle of a sea of mundane offerings to power a BBM down Main St.. What's that, about a dozen or more BBM heads that can't outflow a decent SBC piece, but still have the ability to bust a piece of junk 45 year old block???

No good iron, or CG blocks and not a single head casting that can top the ancient PSO.

I NEVER thought I'd see a day when it was better to be a Pontiac guy, as far as the performance aftermarket and R & D worlds are concerned. What's next.....another stock style HEMI head???

What an absolute farce the MOPAR aftermarket is......

Trick Flow doesn't make blocks...perhaps you should whine to Block companies about the lack of BB mopar blocks...and not whine about getting a better quality of cylinder head than most of the current offerings.

Reading comprehension issue???

Did I SAY they make blocks???

I guess all these low power engines need a "better quality" cylinder head because the Ebrock, Indy, B1 and whatever other heads are out there in this category of cylinder head are just coming apart at the seems.

OU812 doesn't have a reading comprehension issue.

Trick Flow doesn't make *any* products of the type you want, and you're upset because they're releasing something new of what they *do* make. If we follow your logic there should be no new products permitted by anyone unless they release a cylinder block first. Are you upset at all the different intake manifolds out there too???

So go get a home equity loan, find a pattern shop and casting house, and start working on it yourself. You'll find out quick why companies aren't flocking to do blocks.

Obviously you have the same reading comprehension issue.

Since my keyboard doesn't type in crayon, perhaps you should go back and re-read (SLOWLY) my original post.

Point out where I bemoaned Trick Flow not making blocks, as OU812 alluded to, or where I stated it should be Trick Flow that produces an upgrade to the ancient PSO, or Millennium HEMI.

If you, or anyone else cannot understand what you are reading, why comment and prove to the world your lack of comprehension??? No self esteem, perhaps??? Ignorant, perhaps??? An OU812 butt-hurt cheerleader, perhaps???