
For me it is not so much the "company" as it is about the "person" with whom I am dealing.

Generally speaking, most companies have a full range of lobe profiles to offer. The art comes from the person packaging up the cam details for your specific application...

Exactly...you are right on the money here. I was rather pleasantly surprised by the Comp Cams guy...we exchanged a number of emails and he answered all my questions. I provided the head flow numbers, current car performance, etc, etc...seemed like he asked all the right questions and explained which one of the several cam profiles he suggested would be the better choice.

I am looking for that kind of an attention to detail.

Last night I was plowing through a bunch more postings (Google search), found references to Bullet Cams, Howards and Engle (which used to do the Hughes cams, but their site seems badly dated???).

Dunnuck Racing: email going your way sir!

OK, thanks you guys...I'll look up the other guys.