That should really make some steam.
It might like a little more duration , but I guess that depends on your end use too.
Mine is a 405 ( 4.125 X 3.79 ) with a little more compression and a different cam....268 @ .050 and .680 ish lift on a 104 center and in at 102.
The heads flow less.......348 @ .700 and I think 248 on the exhaust.
I ran out of time and money so it never went on the pump , but it has more than fair street manners and really pulls once it hooks.
It ran hotter than I expected ( over 210 on hot days. ) , but I just went with the HHR fan / shroud and that fixed that issue.
Cold starting with E-85 takes a while , but if the air is over 65 or so it isn't a problem.
My plans for hitting a test day before the season was over got waylaid by a couple family weddings , but I can't wait for next spring to bury the speculation regarding what it will do.

Me thinks you're gonna really enjoy that one.