I can kinda understand what you are saying. I mean some of these cars are almost like getting to the point of taking a funny car and putting in a strong more driveable supercharged or N20 equipped eng and running 6's or whatever. I mean yes they drive it on the street but it is really just a full blown race car with tags on them. And I understand just how fast we can go with our cars in todays world of power adders and all with the awesome technology we have today. And I can see why a car like that called a street car needs a trailer of tools and maybe parts to follow it around. So I can see what you mean.

It does kinda sem like when is ????????how fast is fast enough to claim the fastest street car ???? I dont know but you will need to be rich and want to claim your street driven car will run atleast 6's I would say ??

I would never have the money or the want to claim I have or even want to have the fastest street car out there.

I gotta admit just running in the 10's in a car I can drive as far as I like or jump in and go get groceries any time at all is fast enough for me and plenty of fun for me and I can carry all mthe tools and spare parts I need for my 10 second street car in my trunk LoL !

I can really appreciate all the work these guys put in some of these cars called street cars as the work and devotion to run that fast and keep up with the competition is alot of hard work. Ron

In the last couple years they have brought pro-mod
cars that have added lights and plates... but was still
legal in DW based on the currant rules.. we dont know
what will change this coming year... I'm wondering
if they change the rules to have a steel body except
for some selected glass parts as in hood and bumpers
but again we dont know YET.. I know that Larson said
he is done.. wont be coming back and heard something
of the same for Lutz but who really knows