I use them under my stock valve covers on my 340 and 440. I ran them for a while on my 440 and then removed the covers and could see just in 2 places on one end where the adjusters were hitting the baffles inside. I took a 3/8" drill bit and drilled divots where the contact marks were, not all the way through, just divots. All has been well now for years. I could have ground the top of the adjuster slightly to get clearance also if need be, I didn't. I wouldn't remove the baffles, you need them.

They don't hit at all on my 340 covers.

I'm a 1.5 ratio guy, I don't care for 1.6s on our old mopars. 1.6 should work with careful inspection and clearance work.

Although edlebrock strongly recommended 1.5 for there heads if your running there heads.