

That's what blows my mind. A ton of racers buy a more expensive distributor and lock it out anyway. So basically its a magnetic pick up and reluctor doing the work. A Firecore can do that for a lot less money, still has good bearings , etc in it.
There are a few reasons I dont use MSD ignition in my builds. But thats a different subject.

I agree with Keith the msd stuff is on the expensive side. The Summit brand is cheaper also and works just as well. Same thing goes with the Firecore. What I wan't to know is how many of you guys even build racin engines everyday??? When you build racinengines everyday you get pretty good and know what work's. I don't care if people has been doing it for 40 year's. When you do it everyday it comes with way more experience and expertise. Just my

The problem with Summit brand, Jegs brand, whatever off brand generic part you choose to buy, is that you never know who makes it from month to month. They simply award that contract to whoever will do it the cheapest and you can bet it is likely overseas...........Now, does it "work" as good as an MSD. The answer is MAYBE, but not likely. Just because the car runs, doesn't mean it works as good. When it comes to electronic stuff an oscilloscope is your friend to determine how WELL something works............The "flying magnet" part, the wheel, no big deal. The sensor, much bigger deal. Needs to be quality, so I will stick with MSD for a few bucks more
