

Obviously, you two have never tried it or worked in a body shop.

Gosh you are correct, I have never worked in a body shop before.. Worked in the glass business for over 35 years though.. AND replaced alot of glass at body shops that did this.....

I have been the rep on a BRAND NEW home complaint where the painter did this to remove overspray. Told us we ( my company) had sent "faulty glass" ( the not my fault syndrome)
. Needed to replace EVERY PIECE OF GLASS IN THE BRAND NEW WINDOWS IN THE BRAND NEW HOUSE due to the use of steel wool....

Sure wish a "body man" had been there to straighten me out...

But I must be full of it cause I don't work in a body shop..LOL

There are different grades to steel wool. You didnt state what grade the Painter used on the New House windows. I guess you didnt know, if you did you should of used that info to help state your position. But , you didnt, so you dont know do you.

Steel wool is fine on glass if the grade is fine enough. .0000 is great Great on Chrome and Stainless too. Test it out for yourself on a small spot if you want. to steel wool.

Have to agree no way the painter used 0000 steel wool been using it for 40 years on glass with never a problem.

69 Road Runner vert
69 GTX hard top
70 Road Runner 4 speed
70 Hemi Cuda vert