Seeing as this is a Mopar site, gotta ask what your 34 coupe is and what drive train is in it? Then what is the drive train in the 34 the guy wants to trade? I presume the pickup has an off topic drive train.

If everything is off topic powered, what difference will it make as far as we are concerned? Would have to wonder why a guy would want 2 coupes, unless one was a real street driver and the other was a hard core race car. The roadster pickup is pretty sweet, but do you ever drive it with the top down?

You have 2 of something most of us can only dream about having 1 of, so trading one for another is beyond our thought process......So I'd have to say, if your swapping a non Mopar for a Mopar in a Mopar I'd have to say yes.

I'd trade any of my junk for either, I could ruin a sweet ride in no time. Gene