



Who recertives belts? I use Simpson 2116. They wrap around roll bar, shoulders are actually 1 peice that wraps around roll bar. Not sure if anyone else makes this type? Simpson will not recertify, offers a trade in discount but after shipping probably = 0. Getting tired of buying new belts on a car that only races a couple times a year.

Does RJS or Crow make the 1 peice wrap around shoulder harness?

I dont know what you mean by 1 piece shoulder belts..
if your talking the Y belt, that was out lawed a
few years back

Not Y belts. The Simson shoulder belt I am talking about simply waps around roll bar no bolts, 1 peice belt, wraps around roll bar.

Any of the companies offer that... thats what I use
from RJS but I use the 1/4 turn lock and they are
pricey but they will re-web them (5 times max)and
to my understanding NO COMPANY can go more than 5..
what your asking for is the rap around style