
bad news dude, you gotta take them off. set your engine up on TDC, mark the belt against the pulleys in at least 2 places on each pulley. pop the plate off & press out the old seal & press another back in. it's a common seal I bought at an engineering shop. line the dots up on the belt & your pulleys so your timing is back in the same spot. tighten everything & recheck, put the pump back on with the damper & you're done. if you have a press or large vice the job should only take 2 hours. [/quote

ok thanks man. when I first put it together I replace the seal that i got from an engineering shop that specializes in seals, so I wasn't sure if there was a more specific seal I need to get. this seal only has about 800 miles max on it, so I am not sure why it is leaking. looks like i'll plan on pulling the front of the engine a part soon.