The front spring hangers may be to blame.
There are many variations of front hangers. There are some with the spring mounting hole further forward than others. I had this problem with the Charger. Years ago I bought some SS hangers and drilled holes up higher to lower the car. Later I wanted to raise the car up so I grabbed a pair I had of unknown origin. When you try to fit the biggest tire in there that you can, problems like this rear their ugly heads. If you stuck a skinny F-70-14 in there, you'd probably never notice.
I drove my car about 100 miles with the wrong hangers in place. The tires made contact at the front edge of the opening when entering driveways sideways. I noticed that the wheel opening moldings were bent and I figured that something was amiss. I looked through my stash and found a pair that had the mounting hole further back. I think I was off by about an inch. I never looked at the shackle angle but it is true, they need to have the rear spring eye behind the upper shackle eye. Having it forward puts the spring in a bind.
I'm still running the same springs from Mopar Performance, the XHD versions.