
You could flip the middle leaves upside down and bolt them back together so you in effect de-arch them yet keep the same rate. Also take the main leaf and put in a vise and gradual un bend the arch out of it. Sounds primitive but it is seriously easily done.

I thought about de arching them but the passengers side has already been de arched some from the factory and I was afraid 1.5 inches would take quite a bit of bending. Looking at it this morning it suddenly dawned on me that cutting the leafs or removing them might make the rear shackle angle back too far and run out of travel which isn't good either.

Might be better off just to order split monos from calvert and sell these XHDs but I would like to test the lower spring mount location and see how it works first.

67 Barracuda street/bracket car 11.27-119
68 Dart 502 BB 8.70s-152
414 cid SB Dragster 7.65-174