
My '70 Super Bee tail light bezels need to be rechromed... they aren't very blistered.... does this metal rechrome ok? What is the going rate on a couple of parts like these?

ALSO... one of the bezels has 3 studs broken off. Other than JB Weld, is there a better way of fabbing/repairing the studs?

Essentially, the question is: Should I jack with it or just spend the $325 on a repop set from BE&A?

Your better off just buying the repop set from

I had two very nice 70 Coronet bezels rechromed
at Paul's chrome plating in 2004 and they cost
$225.00 A PIECE!!! that was almost 5 years ago
They came out beautiful...but if the repops had
been available I would have bought those...

having been there and done that..I would buy
the repops...

Best of luck to you!