A very good friend of mine got a 1957 chevy 2 door bel air that was parked in 63 had 63 brake tag on windshield and 62 and 63 parking pass at the hospital here in new orleans. it was parked inside a storage container.
was totaly rust free with mint interor. he pulled the auto trand and v-8 slaped a 454 and 700r4 tossed in a new rear end and drove it everywhere.He redid the brakes checked the front end cleaned out the whole fuel sysytem etc.
Said it was on no use if ya can not use it!
One of the largest crusies/shows down here
"crusining the coast" was comming up so he asked if my wife and i would go with him and his. so we met him at his home packed the trunk with all hios wifes stuff{she brings half the house with her} out 2 small bags.
we headed out stoped at the gas staion I filled it up while he was in the store getting drinks etc.
We get back in and head back out I ask? How many miles he has driven it with the new drive line he said 2-3 times up the road that he lives on thats it
He gets ontop the I-10 and gets it up to 70-75 the tack is reading kinda low since it has the OD trans
10 miles or so he gets it up to 100-110 little bit thjen slows down to 70-75 again and the car sales along fine the whole way there
We pull up to the hotel and the ladys get out with the bags to go check in.
Then the car don't start so we call and have someone comeing out bring us a new one.
We leave the car in front the entrance telling them it is broke I tell them hey it's a chevy they brake

From then on out the car never gave him any trouble at all ever!But sold it 2 years ago was one of the finest shape cars ya ever saw.
He also gave away free the org. motor and trans to someone who wanted a stock car