

I've always heard the pins break extremely easy. Like it's a forgone conclusion you will break one.

And that's the trouble with most of the repop emblems...Easy to break or even strip if you do get the retainer on...I remember Y-1s attempt at the repop Gran Coupe trunk lock medalion years back...The casting looked great but was'nt up to the task with a spring winding it back into place...It broke within weeks of install...They took it off the shelf within a short time...

I'd use the factory pieces also it looks great from the pic and alot closer than anyone is going to look when it's outside...

Too funny I have a brand new Gran coupe emblem in the Year one box that is like that....I got it in a parts lot. The reason the pins break off is they are lead cast emblems. I recently ran into a guy who had a whole board of the repop emblems that was for display for a vendor that sold out. They were left in the trailer over the summer and they were melting off the board!! Especially the larger emblems like GTX,Dart GT and the long emblems for most hoods 440-SIXPACK etc were all droopy.... Pure JUNK.