
Well I checked my switch and there is only one resistor on it and I think its the "low" speed. If I figure it right, the resistor would go to the lower speed windings of the motor for "low". In the second position it would bypass the resistor and go direct to the low speed windings. In the third position it would go to the high speed windings.

You are right as I stand corrected. I looked in my older manuals and the 3 speed wiper system does use a series and shunt winding to control speed but there is one or two resisters in the switch to control how much current goes thru the shunt winding and the motor only has 2 brushes. The more current into the shunt winding the slower the speed and the more current that goes to the series winding the faster the speed. So when a resister is put in series with the shunt winding it lets less current go thru the shunt and more thru the series winding to give a faster speed.
On the 2 speed motor it has a resister on the motor housing and it has 1 ground and 2 speed brushes. It changes brushes from high to low and has the resister in the low speed brush circuit as a current limiting resister. Ron