Really depends on the track and the rule set.

High banked asphalt and you are sunk. You can't put enough spring rate under a mopar, bent bar or otherwise, for this.

Flat tracks, the traditional mopar suspension may work well with bigger sway bars, but the layout of a bent bar set up is not optimal for this either.

Dirt track you can make the FJM cars work because the toe on bump can be used to an advantage and soft suspension set ups are the norm for body separation and side bite.

The big wild card with the rule set is if you could put an earlier style suspension under the 77-88 skin. This was the premise of the kit car, early suspension, late model body. This does open up some options for torsion bars, but is a lot of effort for only a few additional t-bar rates. Firm Feel does offer two steps up in bent bar rates, but they are not cheap by a long shot.