


Combination of circumstances...
1. Crappy economy

That seems to be the answer for everybody nowadays, and contrary to the Stock market setting records and all the talking heads, I think the lower ranks are still in a jam. But the racing bigshots are using this excuse, rather then making changes to get the fans back. Heck, mcDonalds is booming and they have kept it alive with a "dollar menu", and are still making money.

We are talking about spendable income...
With virtually everything costing more from electricity, food, fuel, rent there are simply fewer available $ to spend on luxury items.....
Actually thats one of the reasons for the Mac $ value menu does well....

Just my $0.05...

Yea... Count me in the camp of not believing inflation is running at less than 1% a year.
I know everything I buy goes up more than a penny on the dollars year.
Heck, 10 wings at MccDonalds are 9.99... What a joke

69 Dart GTS A4 Silver All steel, flat factory hood, 3360race weight
418 BPE factory replacement headed stroker, 565 lift solid cam
Best so far, low 10.30’s 1/4
1.41 best 60 foot
6.56 at 104.17