
Combination of circumstances...
1. Crappy economy
2. Fan interest and attendance numbers are off significantly
3. Both NHRA & Nascar have alienated the general public by pushing admission, concessions and event prices beyond affordable levels
4. Need more local class involvement rather just the JFR mouth yapping
5. Need to bring Chrysler back to Nascar, need other brands beyond Ford, Toyota and Chevy

Just my $0.05...

All the above. NHRA lost sight of the audience fan base ( reads working class) long ago. Just got my notice in the mail for the CARQUEST Nats in Feb at Wildhorse. Reserved seating ; Friday = $55, Sat = $80, Sunday = $85. General admission = "to be determined" - - WTF!!! General parking =$10. Premium parking = $25 - in advance only!. On the bright side, they now offer a payment plan. RU SHATING me!!! Wonder if I can use the payment plan for a hotdog?

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