Thanks i like what you said i think i will do that have a great day..!



I will look into that thanks...


You can buy a flush that is specifically made for cleaning lines and coolers , it's in a spray can , use it and follow with compressed air .

I have used the flush and it is good when I have it available.

Often I don't so I disconnect the cooler lines an pump about 1/3 a can of spray Carb cleaner in one line. I attach a fuel line to the other line and put it in a gallon jug. I blow compressed air through the line and the cleaner& trans fluid spews into the jug. I repeat, swapping the direction of the flush each time until I feel good about how clean it is.

I do the flush when I take the trans out so
1. I don't have trans fluid leaking everywhere.
2. The lines have more time to dry out before I reconnect them.

The exception is that I don't flush them if the lines are going to sit open for a while. I don't like the though of rust or creepy crawly things getting in the clean lines.

Old car are me......