I'll take the keys please. LOL. 180 at best.
XX. Check this:
No underwear, thin cotton evening socks, light weave Denim jeans, a good culinary F.A.S.T-ing two days in a row with only water for drink, then a good trip to the John there after, a good haircut and shave, and last but not least, one aluminum ignition key of which only a small amount were forged in 1963. That should cut the weight by a 10 Lbs or so. LOL.
Seriously, I know you are a tall guy. Are your seating mounts in the stock location? Some times an inch backward could make a difference in the shift.
3200-+ That's a pretty decent weight as it is now. It could be a little lighter.
I'm weighing my car next week or so. Been busy.
I've only played hooky on here in between my madness to sooth the stress. Plus you'll are much more stand up guys then some folks I have to deal with. LOL.

Last edited by fullmetaljacket; 01/08/14 03:15 PM.