Vacation got approved.

Booked rooms last night through Travelocity:
Best Inn - Springfield
Sleep Inn - Indianapolis
Best Western - Nashville

Website says pre-registration closed 5/1, but I went ahead and tried to register (form still worked). We'll see if I get a confirmation.

I'll probably drive over to Springfield from Monster Mopar Weekend at IRP.

I'm working on convincing some of my Mopar buddies to catch up with the tour at IRP and do the Indy to Nashville leg. At this point, it just me and the wife.

Things to do still:
Replace axle bearings (got to get rid of that howl)
Charge A/C (for the wife... okay it's for me too)
Fix cruise control (why?... because I've got it)


I can fix it... my old man is a television repairman.
He's got the ultimate set of tools... I can fix it.

Currently Mopar-less