may be that your pan is not fitting good . could be bent or warped . check the fit all the way around . check the rear seal flange areas and the seal areas on the block/cap . without knowing what windage tray is in use , can't rule out it causing a pan/ fittment issue . my opinion on oil pressure is that 65-70 psi cold is the most you need unless you are seriously racing the car and, that's if you have really tight clearances . using 20-50wt, 35lbs @ 1200rpm hot and 55-65 @5,000 rpm is ideal. more pressure will only over stress the oil pump drive, add extra heat to the oil and can keep the system on bypass ,which will not filter the oil. also, most higher output oiling systems have restrictions to keep some oil in the pan at higher rpms. if the engine is new and really tight on bearing clearances , you may need to use a thinner synthetic race oil with an additive as it will flow better when cold ,and, better deal with heat as well. cutting the spring is the opposite to matching the oil viscosity.